How To Boost Your Immune System

 You are living in a world fraught with fear of the COVID-19 virus. What are the best preventives to safeguard your health? 

Your body is naturally provided with a great immune system that can defend itself. But when microbes such as bacteria, virus or parasites attack your body the immune system gets disrupted but tries its utmost to fight against the foreign body. How can you boost your immune system to counter these unforeseen attacks?

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Harmony in Hormones 

The immune system is an integrated functionality of the body. Therefore, the body needs to maintain balance. Every organ should function properly to keep healthy. 

Stop Smoking

Smoking affects your lungs and causes coughs, colds, wheezing and asthma. People who smoke develop COPD that causes distressed breathing and persistent cough and chest infection. Smoking also causes cancer.  

More Fruits & Veggies Diet

Fruits and Vegetables help in lowering blood pressure, reduces chances of heart attacks and brain strokes, improves the digestive system, keeps the blood sugar level in check and keeps diseases like cancer away.  

Exercise Everyday

Regular workout increases the metabolic activity in the body and keeps the body from growing undue fat that makes it vulnerable to diseases. It keeps the stress hormones in check bringing a general feeling of goodness.  

Alcohol immunity buster

Too much alcohol intake can challenge your immune system and the body. Keep away from Alcohol to stay fit. 

Sleep to recharge your immunity

If you don't sleep adequately you aren't allowing your body to fight with absolute vigour. Less sleep makes you prone to catch diseases easily.  

Hone your Hygiene

Wash hands after coming from outside, bathe regularly, drink adequate water, cover your mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing, don't forget to wear a mask. Guard your immune system against getting affected. 

Strike Stress Away

Stress weakens the ability of the immune system to fight against infections. Stress is responsible for stomach ulcer, blood pressure, heart diseases, increases blood cholesterol levels. 

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