Basic Difference Between Nutritional Supplements And Drugs

 For many people nutritional supplements are often confused with drugs. In fact the assessment of risks associated with regular intake of nutritional supplements have actually given way to this thought. The products in supplements are safe and reliably marketed. However, drugs are medicinal products which should be taken only under the supervision of healthcare providers. Nutritional supplements are taken in addition to the diet.  They generally have concentrated amount of minerals, vitamins and other substances which can have a positive physiological effect.

 Are high dosages classified as drugs?

 There has been a constant debate about the benefits of regular intake of nutritional supplements. The primary concern in those debates where if large doses of vitamins and minerals in the form of these supplements can have any undesired health effect. Number of studies has been done which shows that supplements containing 1000mg vitamin C and 267 MG vitamin E can create obstruction in induction of molecular regulator for insulin sensitivity and endogenous antioxidants defense.

The product which contain vitamins in high amounts which exceed the maximum intake but are classified as prescription free drugs should be used only for a restricted period of time. But that too should be done with the consultation from a doctor. There are various innovative pharmaceutical solutions in the market that help to cure some simple health conditions with nutritional supplements instead of taking drugs however it is wrong to take it on your own without any supervision.

innovative pharmaceutical solutions

Who needs these supplements?

 There are various nutritional supplements that contains nutrients in varying amount of different ingredients. It is generally ingested to maintain a healthy diet. If you are having a proper meal course, chances are you are already getting sufficient supply of the needed vitamins and minerals. Only if there is some issue in digesting of particular type of food that is responsible for providing a certain substance in your body, you can take these supplements to increase the level of them so it can prevent any form of deficiency.  It can generally be applied to elderly people who has smaller food intake. Also, athletes or people associated with a certain profession might require certain supplements in a different degree than a normal person. They can claim for such supplements.

That said, it is very important to understand that the supplements are not medicinal drugs and is wrong if someone claims that it can prevent, alleviate or kill any types of diseases or pain. If anything like that is associated with the supplements, it is possibly a medicinal drug. Before you intake any such thing, it is better to have a word with your healthcare provider.

Quality variations

One of the very important things about nutritional supplements is that you need to understand about their quality for consumer safety. It is the duty of the authority to get quality assurance and full traceability of the ingredients used in the supplement. The active ingredients and their bioavailability as well as their effect on the body should be carefully understood.



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